Monday, September 27, 2010

So, you say you love God?

Everyday I hear people confess their love for God. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. What's the problem you ask? The problem is that, the same people (some) that confess their undying love for God are the same ones that treat people like crap. One CANNOT possibly love God if they treat people like that. Especially if they treat the ones that they claim they love like that. If one believe that God lives within us, wouldn't they think that if they treat another person like they are nothing, then, they are treating God like nothing? Hmmm... Think about that. With all the "Worshiping", tithes, Sunday school and service attendance, praying and reading of the scriptures, they missed that. They haven't made that connection. One show their love for God by the way they treat others, not by just saying that they love God and thats it. Maybe it's that their heads are in the clouds while they are looking for God in the sky. *rolls eyes*

"Love your neighbor as you love yourself" -  Meaning, treat others how you would like to be treated, do unto others what you would want to be done unto you. Don't treat another like crap if you don't want to be treated like crap. But nowadays, thats hard for many to do. Why? Because they don't love themselves enough to give or show love to another human being, or, they just don't care. Sad!
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